Zocreator's program
Fly for free, doing what you love.
Partnering up with travellers for inspiring people to discover more of the extraordinary world we live in
Become a ZocreatorWho are we?
We are Zomunk. We curate the world's cheapest flight deals, giving people the opportunity to discover the world. Using Zomunk, travellers can discover & book cheapest flights to the the most incredible destinations.
We make international flights accessible to everyone.
Together we can achieve
Enhancing Brand Recognition & Trust
Expanded Audience Reach
Growth in Follower Base
Heightened Engagement Levels
What's in store for you?
A chance to fly to your dream destination for free
Access to premium flight deals for 1 year
Affiliate marketing & discount coupons
Giveaways for your followers
Share & earn
Make money through every subscription we sell through your coupon code
How it works
Blog posts
Get custom coupon codes for users who join using your referral code.
Create travel videos, vlog or walkaround and add your coupon code to the description
Tell your followers about us on Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), Snapchat, Facebook, Youtube and others and write a guest blog with us.
Click on the “ Become a Zocreator” button to fill out the form from our Zocreators page.